How Tickeron helped Jim and Jack to trade better?
Jim is a swing trader and Jack is a day trader. It's not always easy for them to make the right trading decisions. Thanks to our analytical AI-platform they can now make their trades better, quicker and with higher profits. But how does it work?

Traders get ideas with odds of success
Tickeron algorithms use Artificial Intelligence to identify and analyze trends across thousands of stocks, ETFs and other securities. It watches historical price movements to offer traders and investors unique insights and probabilities of what will happen in the future and make informed trading decisions.

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The widest range of tools for traders. At one place
  • Real time and end of day signals for stocks, ETFs, Forex & Cryptos
  • AI powered Screener
  • AI trading robots for stocks, ETFs, Forex & Cryptos
So why Tickeron?
  • No need to spend time on tedious analysis: use our one-stop platform.
  • Boost your trading skills with our educational center and dedicated experts.
  • Join community you like to exchange trading ideas. Or create your own.
All at one place. Powered by our cutting-edge algorithms.

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Why traders & investors trust us?
Dmitry Perepelkin
Investment analyst
Immense opportunities for traders and investors to generate trade ideas with Tickeron's A.I engines. What I like the most is the statistical analysis with odds of success calculated for every existing asset, which allows experimenting with diversification. Some products are complicated at first glance, but it really just takes time and patience to reveal the full potential.
Danny Kamen
Day Trader
As a pattern day trader, it is incredibly important for me to have access to the fastest and most accurate real-time signals available. Tickeron provides me with that. Thanks to Tickeron's A.I. robots I am able to be consistently profitable as a trader.
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